Scientific work in the specialty Endocrinology

Scientific work at the department

Scientific work is being actively carried out at the department. So ass. Akhmedova F.Sh. Mirkhaidarova F.S., Kudratova N.A., Adilova N.Sh. approved the topic of scientific work. Akhmedova F.Sh., Mirkhaidarova F.S. finished work with literature and recruiting patients. On her part, statistical processing of the results is carried out for further writing of the work.

Ass. Mirkhaidarova F.S. : Ortirilgan Immunotankoslig Virusi Bilan Casallangan Bemorlarida Kandli Diabetni 2 Turi Moilik Omillalari VA Clinic Kechishi

Ass. Kudratova N.A. : Influence of various methods of bariatric interventions on the state of carbohydrate metabolism in persons with obesity and impaired glucose tolerance.

Ass.Adilova N.Sh .: Semizlik bilan casallangan bemorlarni metabolic zarrohlik yuli bilan davolash natijasida endothelial va yurak con tomir tizimini holatini bakholash


In the scientific field can mention a few key trends:

  1. The study of the clinical course and treatment efficacyinacid-related gastroduodenal diseases in individuals who are overweight

The development of new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of acid-related gastroduodenal diseases in individuals who are overweight
The study of the disease, the study of changes in the quality of life and emotional state before and after the treatment, the selection of appropriate therapy to correct symptoms of pancreatitis and obesity.
In the direction of the study of the disease, a study changes in the quality of life and emotional state before and after the treatment, the selection of appropriate therapy to correct symptoms of pancreatitis and overweight applicants Togaevoy M.H, Habirova NG performed research work for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.
Currently, applicants Urazalieva MU and Haytimbetov ZH.SH. working on the research work in this direction.

  1. The study ofthe clinical courseandthe effectiveness oftreatment of lesionsof the gastrointestinaltract insomerheumaticdiseasesand in thosewho are overweight

Improving methods of diagnosis , treatment and prevention of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in some rheumatic diseases and in those who are overweight .
In the direction of improving the diagnostic methods of treatment and prevention of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in some rheumatic diseases and in individuals who are overweight have performed work Mirahmedova HT , Soliyeva NA, ND Salimova for the degree of candidate of honey . Science. Now , on this research project has been associate professor Mirahmedova HT In the competition for the doctor of medical sciences.

 A number of scientific papers published in the direction of improved methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of acid gastroduodenal diseases and lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in some rheumatic diseases and in those who are overweight.
To date, the department staff published more than 750 scientific articles and abstracts, they are the authors of 1 book, 1 book, they received more than 10 patents.




Tto study the state of  lipid metabolism in PD patients with concomitant type 2 diabetes with different glucose tolerance and the influence of the DA agonist receptor bromocriptine on the clinical features of the disease.

Materials and methods.

The survey of 96 PD patients at the age of 45-65 years with stage of disease 1.5-3.0 by Hoehn and Yahr. 63 patients were treated with bromocriptine at 7.5 mg / day for 25 days with basic antiparkinsonian therapy. According to the degree of violation of carbohydrate metabolism, the patients were divided into three groups: Group I – normal glucose tolerance (n = 45), II group – impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) (n = 22), group III – concomitant with type 2 diabetes (n = 29). The control group (CG) included 35 healthy individuals of appropriate age. The criteria for diagnosis of NTG during oral GTT were taken the position recommended by the WHO Expert Committee on DM (1996). Status of  lipid spectrum  was assessed by blood concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), low cholesterol (LDL) and high (HDL) density, triglycerides (TG), apolipoprotein B (apo B); atherogenic index was calculated (AI).


Studies have shown, that treatment with bromocriptine contributes to a significant improvement in lipid metabolism, especially in patients in II and III groups. Thus, the total cholesterol level decreased by 10.9% in Group II and by 12.3%  in group III. The concentration of atherogenic LDL cholesterol in patients of I group decreased by 6%, group II – 28.6%, III group – by 18.2%. Noteworthy increase in anti-atherogenic HDL cholesterol in the blood plasma of patients with PD: in the I group – 25%, in the II – 27%, in the III – 26%. As expected, the most significant decrease concentration of triglycerides after a course of treatment  with bromocriptine revealed in patients with impaired glucose tolerance (25.2%) and in patients with concomitant type 2 diabetes (26.1%).Reducing the concentration of apoB on a background of treatment with bromocriptine was particularly pronounced in patients in II and III groups. Reducing the total cholesterol and increasing HDL-C after treatment with bromocriptine reduced the AC (in the I group – by 33.3%, in II – 24.5%, in the III – 33.9%), which significantly reduces the risk of vascular disease. The observed in our study lipid-lowering effect of the medicine is associated with the central mechanisms of inhibition of lipogenesis.


Course bromocriptine treatment not only normalized the lipid metabolism, but also significantly improved the neurological status of patients. The data obtained allow to recommend DA receptor agonists as the drugs of choice in the differentiated  treatment of patients with PD with impaired glucose tolerance at all stages of the disease for the prevention of vascular lesions of the brain.