It was first established in 2002 on the basis of the Department of Endocrinology 1-Tashkent State Medical Institute.

Since 2005, the Master’s degree in Endocrinology has been based at the Department of Training GPs with Endocrinology, then at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 2 of the Tashkent Medical Academy.

Under the guidance of Professor Dr. med. Nazhmutdinova D.K. state standards and a master’s training program were developed in accordance with world standards and recommendations, which are constantly updated in accordance with the latest international standards and guidelines for Endocrinology. In 2020, a credit-modular master’s training system was developed and implemented.

Since the creation of the magistracy, about 100 masters have been trained at the department. Graduates of the magistracy conduct their scientific and practical activities in the leading medical and educational institutions of the republic.

On the basis of the magistracy, research is carried out on modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases in the field of diabetology, thyrodology, reproductive medicine, etc.

Today, 26 masters are studying, the duration of training is 3 years, during which masters master the practical skills of diagnosis, examination of patients with endocrine diseases, study the etiopathogenesis of diseases, modern methods of treatment, learn to work with scientific literature and are engaged in scientific research, based on the results of which they prepare to defend master’s theses.

The department carries out their activities: program director prof. d.m.s. Nazhmutdinova D.K., moderators Assoc. Ph.D. Urunbaeva D.A., Assoc. Ph.D. Sadikova N.G., assistant candidate of medical sciences Adkhamova N.P.

Schedule of seminars in the specialty Endocrinology